28 February 2024

Winter visits

 Winter Visits

We've had more visits from our Red Fox recently. With the fields clothed in a crust of snow (slowly thinning under the sun), the fox has been paying visits to our fields. It passed close to the house a few days ago. Surprisingly, this was at mid-day. Working longer hours to feed kittens, maybe?

Red Fox near the house

This season has been a paltry one for snowfall. The temperature has been above average for quite some time, although it still generally freezes overnight. The conditions are actually pretty good for wildlife tracks. A passing raccoon left sign in our cedar woods:

Raccoon tracks on our property
The frosty uplands and snow-free lowlands have made for some nice landscapes.
The Percy Peaks in New Hampshire, seen from Groveton.

Sunset near Greensboro

Storm clearing, North Danville

Franconia Ridge, New Hampshire.

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