13 September 2022

Brazil, July - August 2022: Day trip to Porto Jofre

 Brazil July-August 2022: Day trip to Porto Jofre

It's a bit of a drive from Southwild Pantanal, but Porto Jofre is a famous place for seeing jaguars and other wildlife. We left the lodge before sunrise and endured the bumpy road south to the resort area on the river. We observed a Jaguar, as advertised, and several raptors on the river bank.

Porto Jofre is a well known fishing spot

Roadside Hawk
Savanna Hawk
Yacaré Caiman

Green Kingfisher, working beside us
 at the lunch spot
Great Black Hawk. A pair together
along the river
Buff-necked Ibis in
an uncharacteristic pose.
Black Skimmer on the beach along the river.
One of the handful of species that are
the same as back home.

Sunbittern on the river bank. These are
big -- almost turkey-sized.
White-lored Spinetail. It was nice enough to
forage right beside the boat where we had lunch.
White Woodpeckers beside the river.
These are Melanerpes, so structurally
much like Acorn Woodpeckers

Large-billed Tern on the sandy river bank.
The bill on these birds is
freakishly large -- almost like a skimmer


Jaguar, at rest on the river bank. 
This was the view from the boat. This population
 is habituated to the presence of boats on the water.

Jaguar looking our way, with no
indication of alarm.


Bridge on the Transpantaneira
road. Not a confidence booster.

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