14 September 2022

Brazil, July - August 2022: Pantanal


Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Southwild Pantanal

We had a fantastic trip to Brazil in late July and early August. We joined a group led by Mark Pretti Nature Tours, visiting four places in the state of Mato Grosso. We saw about 400 species of birds, numerous mammals, and a few butterflies and dragonflies. Mark knows a thing or two about Brazilian bird sounds.

1. Southwild Pantanal (formerly Fazenda Santa Tereza). A great lodge deep in the Pantanal, just off the Transpantaneira road, with trails in the forest, boat trips on the Rio Pixaim, and a day trip to Porto Jofre for riverboat trips.

2. Pousada Piuval. A resort off of Transpantaneira road, with manicured lawns and a pool, but surrounded by Pantanal forest and lagoons.

3. Cristalino Lodge. An amazing lodge in the southern Amazon rainforest. Canopy towers, river boat trips, forest trails. And antbirds!!

4. Pousada do Parque. Beautiful lodge situated in the Chapada dos Guimaräes National Park. Forest trails, day trips to undisturbed Cerrado habitat and rainforest. And a 5-star chef.

Southwild Pantanal and Transpantaneira Road

Some of these shots are from the bumpy dirt road between the city of Cuiabá and the lodge at Santa Tereza (Southwild Pantanal), called the Transpantaneira Road. (A half-baked attempt by the government to get traffic into the Pantanal.) Others are from boat trips on the Rio Pixaim, starting from the lodge. A few are from the southern portion of the Transpantaneira road. Highlights included an Ocelot (coming in to a night-time feeding station), a Sungrebe, and an Agami Heron.

Another colorful sunset at Santa Tereza

Amazon Kingfisher

Bare-faced Currasow

Black-backed Water Tyrant

Black-capped Donacobius

Black-collared Hawk. A very colorful
and impressive raptor of the Pantanal.

Blue-throated Piping Guan.
They like to perch on high tree
branches overlooking the river

Brown Capuchin monkey

Capybara, adult and young

Capybara with Cattle Tyrants.
One in our group suggested a name
change to Capybara Tyrant.

Choco Chachalaca at the lodge

Cocoi Heron

Crab-eating Fox at the lodge, in the flashlight.
He was fairly tame and lounged near the restaurant.
Mato Grosso Snouted Tree Frog,
on the lodge wall
Beaked Frog sp

Crested Caracara

Crane Hawk

Gray-cowled Wood-rail
Yacare Caiman

Hyacinth Macaw. You have to see them
 to believe them.
Hyacinth Macaw
Green Iguana
Greater Rhea

Greater Thornbird

Large-billed Tern

Lesser Kiskadee

Marsh Deer

Marsh Deer

Monk Parakeet.
Large flocks frequent the lodge. So nice
to see this where it actually belongs!

Narrow-billed Woodcreeper. The only 
woodcreeper in open habitat.

Neotropical Cormorant

Ocelot. Incredibly rare; we had one at a
feeding station at the lodge.

Saffron Finch
Rufous-tailed Jacamar. This bird was
incredibly accommodating beside
the trail, allowing frame-filling shots.
Rufescent Tiger-heron. Incredible patterning.
Roadside Hawk
Ringed Kingfisher
Paraguayan Caiman Lizard

Orange-backed Troupial. Astounding
colors on this creature.
Transpantaneira Road: the state of the
bridges raised questions about the
regional highway department

Savanna Hawk

Scarlet-headed Blackbird

Snail Kite

Snail Kite, immature

Solitary Black Cacique

Southern Screamers. Huge birds that we saw
in several spots beside the Transpantaneira,
in open country. One wonders
what they do in the wet season.

Sunset at Southwild
Veined Tree Frog

White-headed Marsh Tyrant

Wattled Jacana

Sungrebe. Finally got one, on the Rio Pixaim!
Mark pointed out the striped feet.

White-rumped Monjita

Yellow-collared Macaws

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